I’ll keep this snappy: it’s summer, perhaps you’re away, perhaps you’re dreaming of it. In June we launched the first of our
x sessions, an experimental blend of ’s accessibly expert yoga practice with a writing and creativity workshop led by me. It was a beautiful morning, we had the splendour of Chelsea Physic Garden all to ourselves and I took a real and deep pleasure from sending people off with notebooks and pens into the growth of early summer. When I teach, I always find it cheering when people struggle to come back into the room again after an exercise - when they want to keep writing, or they get caught on an idea. It suggests to me that something precious has begun.Anyway, everyone seemed to have a good time and so we’re back with another one! We’ve learned from the first time and made it 30 minutes longer, but otherwise the deal is the same:
A 40-minute yoga session for all abilities led by Erin
A 40-minute writing workshop led by me
Free, private access to Chelsea Physic Garden
Entirely free for savour members
Tickets are available now - just scroll down to the bottom of this email to book. Last time they sold out before bedtime.
Earlier this week I realised I was starting to limber up again. I’ve taken a break from writing new things for savour for the past couple of months - since I finished a book tour, since I handed a manuscript in, since I’ve been editing it, since I took a little break and wound up in bed, my body giving over to an exhaustion I hadn’t realised it had been fending off - and it’s felt both freeing and weird, like finding it easier to walk without the useful backpack you keep all your stuff in.
I’m taking a few weeks away again at the end of this week. I am pleased to say that I feel more ready for it than when I tried this a couple of months ago, when I ground to a halt and couldn’t navigate the leftover space. I’m looking forward to the autumn, to the change in the air and the freedom to play with new projects. I think our seasonal savour session will be a big part of that. Thank you for bearing with me.